Output parameters

A method may occasionally need to use a parameter for its return value - what might be loosely called an "output parameter" or a "result parameter". The caller creates an output parameter object, and then passes it to a method which changes the state of the object (its data). When the method returns, the caller then examines this new state.

Output parameters:


Here, there's both an output parameter (aCookieValue) and a boolean return value: if the output parameter is indeed populated, then the return value is set to true.

import javax.servlet.http.*;

public final class CookieValue {

   * Determine if a user's request contains a particular cookie, and if it does
   * then place its value in an "out" parameter.
   * Example
   * <pre>
   * if ( CookieValue.getCookieValue("ID", request, idValue) ) {
   *   //use aIdValue
   * }
   * </pre>
   * @param cookieName the non-null name attached to the Cookie.
   * @param request is the non-null request forwarded from the user's browser which
   * is to be examined for the presence of the given cookie.
   * @param cookieValue is a non-null "out" parameter in which the
   * cookie's value is placed - if found - for further examination by the
   * caller; it must have a zero length.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if aCookieValue.length() > 0.
   static boolean getCookieValue(
     String cookieName, HttpServletRequest request, final StringBuilder cookieValue
      if (cookieValue.length()>0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      boolean userHasCookie = false;
      Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
      if (cookies != null){
        for(Cookie cookie : cookies){
          if (cookieName.equals(cookie.getName())){          
            userHasCookie = true;
            //change the state of the output param (aCookieValue)
      return userHasCookie;

An alternative design is to return a null value if the cookie is not actually present. This would replace the current boolean return value with a String return value which should be checked for null. However, that alternative design seems weaker, since it seems prudent to avoid using null return values.

See Also :
Immutable objects
Avoid null if possible