Don't pass 'this' out of a constructor

Within a class, the 'this' Java keyword refers to the native object, the current instance of the class. Within a constructor, you can use the this keyword in 3 different ways:

You can get into trouble with the last form. The problem is that, inside a constructor, the object is not yet fully constructed. An object is only fully constructed after its constructor completely returns, and not before. But when passed as a parameter to a method of some other object, the this reference should always refer to a fully-formed object.

This problem occurs mainly with listeners. Here's an example which illustrates the point:

import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;

 @author Andrew Sackett
public final class EscapingThisReference {

  /** A RadioStation is observed by the people listening to it. */
  static final class RadioStation extends Observable {
   A listener which waits until this object is fully-formed before
   it lets it be referenced by the outside world.
   Uses a private constructor to first build the object, and then 
   configures the fully-formed object as a listener. 
  static final class GoodListener implements Observer {
    /** Factory method. */
    static GoodListener buildListener(String personsName, RadioStation station){
      //first call the private constructor
      GoodListener result = new GoodListener(personsName);
      //the 'result' object is now fully constructed, and can now be
      //passed safely to the outside world
      return result;
    @Override public void update(Observable station, Object data) {
    private String personsName;
    /** Private constructor. */
    private GoodListener(String personsName){
      this.personsName = personsName; //ok
   A listener which incorrectly passes a 'this' reference to the outside world 
   before construction is completed.
  static final class BadListenerExplicit implements Observer {
    /** Ordinary constructor. */
    BadListenerExplicit(String personsName, RadioStation station){
      this.personsName = personsName; //OK
      //DANGEROUS - the 'this' reference shouldn't be passed to the listener,
      //since the constructor hasn't yet completed; it doesn't matter if 
      //this is the last statement in the constructor!
    @Override public void update(Observable station, Object data) {
    private String personsName;
   Another listener that passes out a 'this' reference to the outside 
   world before construction is completed; here, the 'this' reference 
   is implicit, via the anonymous inner class.
  static final class BadListenerImplicit {
    /** Ordinary constructor. */
    BadListenerImplicit(String personsName, RadioStation station){
      this.personsName = personsName; //OK
        new Observer(){
          @Override public void update(Observable observable, Object data) {
    private void doSomethingUseful() {
    private String personsName;

See Also :
Constructors in general
Constructors shouldn't start threads