Test using main method

public static void main(String...){}
method may be used to test the operation of a class. It should probably be used informally, since it lacks the features of a more complete testing tool such as JUnit.

When finished testing, main can simply be deleted, or it may be kept for future needs. If kept, it's probably a good idea to change its scope to private, in order to avoiding polluting the class API with a method intended only for development. Of course, if main needs to be run again later, you will need to temporarily change its scope back to public.


Here, SplashScreen.main exercises the display of a splash screen. It's placed at the very bottom of the class, since it's intended only as a development tool. The informal character of this main is reflected in the call to Thread.sleep, which simply wastes time for a few seconds. Doing this in the real application would be silly, since a splash screen's purpose is to give the illusion of rapid feedback. In the real application, SplashScreen is disposed of not after a fixed number of seconds, but rather after the appearance of the primary window.

package hirondelle.stocks.main;

import java.awt.*;
import java.net.URL;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;

* Present a simple graphic to the user upon launch of the application, to 
* provide a faster initial response than is possible with the main window.
* <P>Adapted from an 
* <a href=http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/qow/archive/24/index.html>item</a> 
* on Sun's Java Developer Connection.
* <P>This splash screen appears within about 2.5 seconds on a development 
* machine. The main screen takes about 6.0 seconds to load, so use of a splash 
* screen cuts down the initial display delay by about 55 percent.
* <P>When JDK 6+ is available, its java.awt.SplashScreen class should be used instead 
* of this class.
final class SplashScreen extends Frame {

  * Construct using an image for the splash screen.
  * @param aImageId must have content, and is used by  
  * {@link Class#getResource(java.lang.String)} to retrieve the splash screen image.
  SplashScreen(String aImageId) {
    * Implementation Note
    * Args.checkForContent is not called here, in an attempt to minimize 
    * class loading.
    if (aImageId == null || aImageId.trim().length() == 0){
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Image Id does not have content.");
    fImageId = aImageId;
  * Show the splash screen to the end user.
  * <P>Once this method returns, the splash screen is realized, which means 
  * that almost all work on the splash screen should proceed through the event 
  * dispatch thread. In particular, any call to <tt>dispose</tt> for the 
  * splash screen must be performed in the event dispatch thread.
  void splash(){
    setSize(fImage.getWidth(NO_OBSERVER), fImage.getHeight(NO_OBSERVER));
    fMediaTracker.addImage(fImage, IMAGE_ID);
    try {
    catch(InterruptedException ex){
      System.out.println("Cannot track image load.");
    SplashWindow splashWindow = new SplashWindow(this,fImage);
  private final String fImageId;
  private MediaTracker fMediaTracker;
  private Image fImage;
  private static final ImageObserver NO_OBSERVER = null; 
  private static final int IMAGE_ID = 0;

  private void initImageAndTracker(){
    fMediaTracker = new MediaTracker(this);
    URL imageURL = SplashScreen.class.getResource(fImageId);
    fImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(imageURL);

  * Centers the frame on the screen.
  *<P>This centering service is more or less in {@link hirondelle.stocks.util.ui.UiUtil}; 
  * this duplication is justified only because the use of  
  * {@link hirondelle.stocks.util.ui.UiUtil} would entail more class loading, which is 
  * not desirable for a splash screen.
  private void center(){
    Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    Rectangle frame = getBounds();
    setLocation((screen.width - frame.width)/2, (screen.height - frame.height)/2);
  private final class SplashWindow extends Window {
    SplashWindow(Frame aParent, Image aImage) {
       fImage = aImage;
       setSize(fImage.getWidth(NO_OBSERVER), fImage.getHeight(NO_OBSERVER));
       Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
       Rectangle window = getBounds();
       setLocation((screen.width - window.width) / 2,(screen.height - window.height)/2);
    @Override public void paint(Graphics graphics) {
      if (fImage != null) {
    private Image fImage;
  * Developer test harness shows the splash screen for a fixed length of 
  * time, without launching the full application.
  private static void main(String... aArgs){
    SplashScreen splashScreen = new SplashScreen("StocksMonitor.gif");
    try {
    catch(InterruptedException ex) {

See Also :
Use a testing framework (JUnit)
Splash screen